Monday, October 18, 2010

see you

ivanka: 'seeyou' concrete gravestone design at milan design week 09

    I found this design a perfect demonstration of combining human and nature. Designers today are interested in a wide range of projects, but not many of them are interested in gravestone design. This project by architect Maurer Klimes Ákos and Ivanka Concrete Design Company was the star of Milan design week 2009 for a reason. 
    I really like this design because it shortens the distance between visitors and the gravestone by offering reflection of nature. The visitors are encouraged to walk close to the gravestone, touch it and feel it. The cross carved on the surface of the gravestone represents the beauty and meaning of life. If there is water held in the cross, it will reflect visitors themselves . They can see their face and the nature around them reflect from the water on the gravestone, which adds a dramatic effect to this design, and the emotions of the visitors.

    It's also interesting to see the contract between the sharp edge of the overall shape of the stone grave and the soft edge shape of the cross. This contract suggested the strength and silence of death, while mixing soft emotions, the sadness and the hope in the site.
For many reasons, people do not really pay attention to grave stone design anymore. However, this interesting project suggested how strong and emotional a project can be when adding spiritual elements into it. Here, nature, love, and cycle of life is what I can read our of the design.

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